Monday, October 12, 2015

Student Tech Team Thoughts

I am really excited that the Righetti Student Tech Team is off an running. Now that I have been successful at recruiting I need to get some structure and organization underneath me. 

Perks for the kids for participating and helping other kids are pretty good; they get community service hours, lunch, and also registration in the Microsoft IT Academy where they can get certified in their proficiency of Microsoft software products. Each kid sees the perks a bit differently depending on their own goals. Some are really excited about the Microsoft Academy Certifications that they can use moving forward into higher education or job searches, some are planning on racking up their Community Service Hours to use on their College applications, and others are just happy about free lunch once a week. 

I need a plan for when kids come in for help. I need to organize my team members into small groups:
1. review and assess - figure out what a problem may be 
2. reset/set up and account issues
3. small technical problems
4. accessing their email/Office 365 account and downloading Office 2013
5. helpful hints

We will create a traffic flow for people coming in and going out starting with the review and assess table to assign the student to go to the next table. 

I need a sign regarding liability and a google form for students to check in. 

Next step is fundraising. 

I think it is crazy that we handed out electronics with no protections. Just crazy. I found a reasonable sleeve that we can customize with our own pictures and sell to students. I just have to figure out if we think we can sell enough to have enough money to not have to fundraise again. I do not want to be a frequent fundraiser. We will have to seell at least 300 and hopefully 350 in order to make $1000 which will pay for lunch for the rest of the year. I think on a campus of 2500 we can do it. Now to convince them. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

First week sprint...

The past week has been incredibly busy. I’m not sure if I’ve quite had the chance to sit down and really process everything. As usual, everything happens at once, sometimes it’s because it’s outside of my control and sometimes it’s because of poor planning on my part. Whatever, I’m not complaining, it’s been a good week.

I was asked to be on our County Superintendent of School’s public access television show where he interviews teachers and other educators. I was chosen because of my involvement in #geniushour. I love genius hour and can go on and on about it with someone willing to listen, however, because I have also changed positions to the technology coordinator the discussion heavily leaned on technology as an educational tool. I feel privileged to have been a part of this and can’t wait to see how the post production puts it together.

The next day was also amazing. Kristen Swanson, the co-founder of the #edcamp movement, was leading a professional development day at our County Office of Education. I was thrilled to get to meet her and work under her lead. I got so many great ideas for things I can do here at my school and with my colleagues that can help me get in the door and actually create some positive change or momentum. While in my head the best part of the day was going to be working with Dr. Swanson, it wasn’t. I hate to lose my fan-girl status because it absolutely was amazing. But really, the best part was that I got to participate in the day led by her with colleagues that I really enjoy working with. I was able to work with my counterpart from another school and two teachers yet another school in practicing the methods Dr. Swanson shared. I was able to work my brain around things with people I like and respect and enjoy being challenged by. To be honest, I think that is the best result that could have come about from that day.

Keep going later into the week and I had the opportunity to participate in an event hosted by San Luis County Office of Education and the Slo Cue group. I led three sessions and got to attend a session led by Lisa Highfill, another educator from the interwebs that I have watched, followed, and copied at times. I have had a few ideas bubbling around in my mind that working with her gave me the actual steps to make them happen as well as some ideas for other ways to do things with both kids and teachers.

So, while it’s been a busy week (that first week of the month sprint), and I am still catching my breath, I absolutely have no complaints!